Manager: is deployed at the central cloud location and is responsible for managing observability data transformations at the edge locations. It is a user-facing component with a REST interface to create/update/delete the rules that define the transformation DAGs to be enabled on a certain edge site(s) when some condition is met. The user can also specify default transformation DAGs for edge sites. The Manager coordinates with the processors to enforce transformation DAGs based on user-defined rules when conditions are satisfied.
Testing Locally
Specify the config file. A sample config YAML is present in config/config.yaml. You need to specify the path to it using an environment variable. For example:
export CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/your/config/config.yaml
Install all dependencies using requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application:
Once the application is running, it is accessible at http://localhost:5010
Processor Configuration APIs
All processor configuration APIs are available at http://localhost:5010/api/v1/processor_config
Rules APIs
All rules APIs are available at http://localhost:5010/api/v1/rules
Swagger UI
The Swagger UI is accessible at http://localhost::5010/apidocs/